LED message signs shown NOT to increase traffic accidents
Another study conducted by Texas A&M University found what we’ve been saying for YEARS… electronic message centers (LED signs) do NOT increase traffic accidents.
The study was conducted over a four year period and covered 135 signs. This was a very well conducted and documented study. For more information about this study please read an article from the Signs of the Times magazine: http://www.nxtbook.com/nxtbooks/STMG/sott_201303/
Electronic message centers are very safe and effective ways for business owners to get their message out to the public that passes their location every day. The message is usually large and very visible when people get near and then pass the business.
Think about it… if you have a sign that has copy or content on it that is very small and not easily readable – people passing by will have to either slow down or take their eyes off the road for a longer period of time to try to read the message. Now THAT is dangerous.
It simply astounds me the number of city planning committees that think small and essentially unreadable signs are BETTER for the community. All in the name of esthetics for the city. But they are actually creating an environment that is more dangerous and not as economically friendly because those businesses will struggle to bring new customers in the door because they don’t have an adequate sign to catch people’s attention.
So not only are electronic message centers SAFER in the vast majority of situations – they also are more economically friendly to businesses and communities. Even the city itself really benefits from LED signs in their local businesses. What part of MORE SALES TAX $$ = GOOD THING don’t these planning committees get?
Signtronix provides LED signs (aka electronic message centers) in many different sizes and varities. Please give us a call and learn more about how these signs can improve your business. And if for some reason your city doesn’t allow these signs – show them this article and the study that debunks the theory that “flashing” or “blinking” signs cause accidents.