Signs, Signs, Everywhere There Are Signs!
Here’s an interesting article about signage choices by Korri Kezar of the Dallas Business Journal. In our own research we’ve found that sign design must be clean with images and little text in order to really capture the attention of the buying public.
Here’s the article:
If you’ve ever been on a long road trip, you probably know the relief a road sign can bring, promising snacks, bathrooms or much-needed fuel.
Maybe you’ve heard the song “Signs” by Five Man Electrical Band or seen the Mel Gibson movie by the same name. Or just maybe, you’ve heard comic Bill Engval tell an audience “here’s your sign.” Whatever your interaction, signage is a big part of how we identify places and people.
Dallas-based FedEx Office conducted a survey that studies how signage helps small businesses attract customers. The survey was based on responses from 503 businesses reporting at least $100,000 in annual revenue and employing 5–100 employees. Results showed different preferences for types of signage and design among varying age groups.
Numbers show millennial business owners (defined as those ages 18–34) favor banners, window clings or posters that utilize color and intelligent phrases or humor. Creativity in graphics and signage was seen as important by 64 percent of those surveyed in the age group.
“Millennials likely gravitate toward modern colorful signs because of their experiences,” Randy Scarborough, vice president of retail marketing for FedEx, told the Dallas Business Journal. “They have been raised in a world of quickly moving and rapid-fire visuals. They look for something that grabs their attention and breaks into the visual stream – colorful, but also meaningful to them, and of course modern.”
In contrast, Baby Boomer business owners (ages 55 and older) are more keen on simple designs.
“For Baby Boomers it can come down to what they are accustomed to – simple designs that are typically easy to read,” Scarborough said. “The ability to glance at a sign and quickly receive the message is important. It helps customers rapidly assess – do they need it or does it apply to them?”